Escultura de metal e uma placa esculpida em pedra que diz 'Cuevas del Rodeo'

Casas Cavernas com Arte, Música ao vivo e mercado de artesanato

Procurando algo um pouco diferente para fazer com as crianças em um domingo na Costa Blanca? Visitamos as Cuevas del Rodeo esperando exatamente isso


Away from the golden sand beaches of the Costa Blanca lies a hidden treasure. Nestled inland and into a hillside sits a collection of cave houses, known as the Cuevas del Rodeo. Originally constructed to provide shelter for nomadic farmers, the cave houses have now been reimagined into a vibrant community of artists and musicians.

Every Sunday these cave houses in Costa Blanca come alive as the owners throw open their doors to allow visitors in. Many serve as art galleries, others makeshift cafes and social spaces. The welcome is friendly and the mood jovial.

2 girls in colourful dresses walking towards the entrance of a cave house
Exploring the cave houses

If you are visiting or living in Costa Blanca and looking for something a little out of the ordinary, you should definitely check it out. It is one of our favourite free activities for kids in Costa Blanca.

alternativamente, if you’re looking for other different fun activities to do this summer, também dê uma olhada em nosso divertida lista de atividades de verão para crianças na Costa Blanca.

Aqui, porém, we are looking at our experiences of visiting the Cuevas del Rodeo with our kids.

Where are the Cuevas del Rodeo?

The Cuevas del Rodeo are located just outside of the town of Rojales, no sul da Costa Blanca.

It can be difficult to find car parking near to the caves, especially on Sundays when the area gets very busy. The roads around the cave houses are also very narrow and difficult to manouver around. Your best bet is to head to the large free car park that is a short walk away, located at:

Metal abstract sculpture on a hilltop, of a person sitting at a piano
Sculptures all around

If you are thinking of coming to the Cuevas del Rodeo you should definitely also take the time to visit the extraordinary Casa de las Conchas, located pretty much right next door. This house that is entirely covered in sea shells is another Costa Blanca peculiarity worth taking a look at.

What happens at the Cuevas del Rodeo?

Every Sunday throughout the year the caves open for visitors. Many of the cave houses serve as art galleries to display the work of the artists in residence. Others serve drinks and provide spaces for people to socialise.

Once a month the Cuevas del Rodeo hosts a craft market. The small pathways and lanes that weave betweeen the cave houses are filled with stalls selling a nice selection of relatively inexpensive art, jewellery, souvenirs and gifts.

There is also a central stage area where live music is performed during the craft market. On the other Sundays when there is no market, this stage hosts an open mic event known as thecave jam.

Outdoor craft market with people browsing then stalls
Stalls at the craft market

When is the Cuevas del Rodeo craft market?

O craft markets at the Cuevas del Rodeo take place monthly, on the 1st Sunday of every month (except August when it is too hot so there is no market). The stalls are open from around 10:30-15:30. These markets tend to attract many visitors, making the 1st Sunday of the month the time when the caves are at their liveliest.

There is live music on a stage at the craft market that usually starts at around 12:00.

When is the the Cuevas del Rodeo cave jam?

Open mic live music events at the Cuevas del Rodeo are known ascave jams. Guests are invited to bring their own instruments and join in with the resident musicians.

These cave jams take place on Sunday afternoons for most of the year, starting at around 12:00. No entanto, in the peak summer months it is just too hot during the day, so the cave jam switches to taking place in the evenings instead. starting at around 19:00.

An exception is the first Sunday of the month when the craft market is on. On these Sundays there is no cave jam. Instead there is different organised live music on the stage, starting at around 12:00.

Painted picture on an easel outside of a cave house
Socialising at a cave house gallery

Visiting the Cuevas del Rodeo with kids

There is no problem in visiting the Cuevas del Rodeo with kids, providing they are respectful when inside the cave houses. We have been several times with our 4 children and always found everyone to be very friendly and welcoming towards them.

Our kids have always loved being able to explore in and around these cave houses in Costa Blanca. They also like listening to the music (most of the time!).

Browsing the craft market stalls is also fun. Be warned though, if visiting with kids, you are sure to get lots of requests to buy them things!

View from inside a cave house of a small boy looking out of the front door
A chance to go inside the cave houses

The location on a hillside of these cave houses in Costa Blanca also allows for some great panoramic views over the surrounding countryside.

There is nothing to stop you from taking your own food and drinks with you. There aren’t many food options, so taking a picnic or some snacks is a good idea for keeping kids happy while you can relax and enjoy some music. We always like to at least buy some drinks while we are there though. This helps support the owners of the cave houses, ensuring this event (along with their spirit of hospitality) can continue.

Colourful masks made from cardboard displayed on a wall
Cardboard art on display


If you are looking for something a little bit different to do in Costa Blanca, you should definitely consider a visit to the Cuevas del Rodeo on a Sunday. If visiting with kids, I’d definitely recommend aiming to go on the 1st Sunday of the month. That way you get the craft market to explore as well as live music to enjoy.

Ultimately, it is nice to be able to interact with and show support for this alternative and friendly community of artists, while also being entertained by all that they have to offer.

Look out for us there one Sunday, we’ll be back for sure!

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